Please email the Chancellor and cc the following people using the template below. Thank you for your help and support. 


Chancellor Melissa Aviles-Ramos - mramos70@schools.nyc.gov,NYCPSChancellor@schools.nyc.gov


Rafael Alvarez - D15 Superintendent - RAlvare4@schools.nyc.gov

Antonio Reynoso - Brooklyn Borough President - AskReynoso@brooklynbp.nyc.gov 

Donavan Swanson - Brooklyn Borough Education Liaison - Donavan.Swanson@brooklynbp.nyc.gov 

Shahana Hanif - Local City Council Member - District39@council.nyc.gov

Mia Perez - City Council District 39 Education Director - MPerez@council.nyc.gov 

Adrienne Adams - NYC City Council Speaker - SpeakerAdams@council.nyc.gov

Brad Lander - Comptroller - info@landerfornyc.com

Scott Stringer - Mayoral Candidate - Info@scottstringernyc.com 

Rita Joseph - City Education Council Chairperson -  District40@council.nyc.gov 

Danika Rux - Deputy Chancellor of School Leadership - DRux@schools.nyc.gov

Dan Weisberg - First Deputy Chancellor - DWeisberg@schools.nyc.gov 

Michael Mulgrew - UFT President -  mmulgrew@uft.org 

Janella Hinds - UFT VP of Academics -  jhinds@uft.org 

Leroy Barr - UFT Secretary - lbarr@uft.org 

Gregory Faulkner - PEP Chairperson - gregfaulkner1@gmail.com

Camille Casaretti - PEP Member - ccasaretti@schools.nyc.gov

D15 CEC President -  Antoniacec15@gmail.com  

State Senator Andrew Gounardes: gounardes@nysenate.gov

State Assembly Member Jo Ann Simon: simonj@nyassembly.gov

Empty classroom campaign personal email - emptyclassroomsnyc@gmail.com

Subject: Urgent Request for Review and Response Regarding Space Allocation at K293

Dear Chancellor Aviles-Ramos,

I am writing on behalf of the students, parents, and staff of the Boerum Hill School for International Studies and Digital Arts and Cinema Technology High School located at 284 Baltic Street, regarding urgent concerns about space allocation. We are co-located with a Success Academy and ten of their classrooms have sat empty since the beginning of the year. This is totally unacceptable. 

Despite multiple attempts to address this issue, we have yet to receive a meaningful response regarding our concerns. We are popular, growing DOE high schools that need space to truly thrive. Students who want to attend our high schools should not be denied enrollment due to the DOE’s inequitable space allocation and planning. 

Given our schools’ significant increase in enrollment and Success Academy Cobble Hill’s significant decrease in enrollment since our Building Utilization Plan (BUP) was last changed on November 30, 2016, we request an immediate review of our campus’s BUP. 

Specifically, we seek:

We kindly request a written response outlining the next steps by April 4th, so we can begin our programming for the next school year.

The lack of action from the DOE has created frustration and uncertainty for our school communities. We believe that collaborative engagement is essential to addressing these pressing issues. It’s clear to our school communities that there is no real plan set in place by the DOE to address how schools in our situation are supposed to comply with the class size law. 

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and look forward to working together to create a fair and equitable solution. Please confirm receipt of this letter and provide an update on how we can move forward productively.


[Your Name]

[Your Affiliation, e.g., PTA Member, Concerned Parent, Community Representative]

[Your Contact Information]